Construction on White House’s Mudd Chapel began in February of 1927. In the 90 years since approximately 250,000 retreatants have sat in the very same chairs you sat in and prayed the same prayers as you. Mudd Chapel truly is the Lord’s house but like any 90-year-old house it requires upkeep and maintenance.
We are asking for your help in restoring Mudd Chapel to its original beauty. The project components include:
1. Stripping, cleaning and re-sealing the floors.
2. Removing dirt, oil and smoke which has built up on the chapel walls over years of burning candles.
3. Cleaning and re-finishing of the wood ceiling to restore its beauty.
4. Removing and refurbishing each pew chair.
5. Building new pew chairs and kneelers to match the originals which will enable us to accommodate more retreatants.
6. Repairing and updating the Sacristy.
7. Adding new lighting in specific areas.
8. Updating the lower-level restroom.
The total cost of this project is $120,000 and work is scheduled to start this summer. We will make every effort to minimize the disruptions this work may cause. The chapel you know and love will still look the same but better. It is simply time to address this deferred maintenance.
Your support of this project will be greatly appreciated. Please consider a tax-deductible gift utilizing the enclosed envelope. Thank you!
Donations can also be sent by mail to:
White House Retreat
7400 Christopher Drive
St. Louis, MO 63129
Or you can make a donation by phone during normal business hours: 1-800-643-1003