Weekend Reflections for 10/3/14
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
- Matthew 5:16
This time of year is always particularly busy around White House. Most weeks we are having back-to-back retreats...with groups arriving on Mondays and again on Thursdays. Some weeks we will see as many as 170 people come through our doors for their annual three day retreat.
It's hectic at times, but always in a good way. It's nice to take a step back and just think about how all of these people got here. How did they find us? Someone had to tell them about White House. Very often, they were personally invited by a friend, family member or fellow parishioner.
I'd like to take a moment this week to express our gratitude to the men and women who volunteer their time and serve in our Captain's Ministry.
These folks have lives of their own to take care of, but still manage to donate a great deal of their time and energy to White House. They are the reason most people find out about White House! We could not do it without them. Whenever you see a flyer for White House on a bulletin board outside church, or a mention about an upcoming retreat in the parish bulletin, know that one of our wonderful volunteers has been hard at work.
We are in the final stretch of another very successful year. We just want everyone to know how much we appreciate the help in sharing this wonderful gift that is White House Retreat.
God bless you all.