Weekend Reflections for 5/16/14
Walking the way of Jesus
Jesus said: “Where I am going you know the way.” Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:4-6)
The early disciples sometimes referred to their religion, their lifestyle as the “Way.” One meaning is that they were on a journey, walking in the path of the one whom they loved, Jesus Christ, who is the Way!
It may sound obvious, but the only way to follow Jesus where he goes is to follow Jesus where he goes! What way did Jesus walk? What are some of the signposts along the way of Jesus?
Jesus was a person of prayer; he regularly took time to be alone with his Father and our Father. Jesus took the time to be with the one who loved him.
Jesus was a person of compassion, not judging others, but trying to always encourage and lift up those who were weak or falling down.
Jesus was a person of service, giving of himself for others, caring for others, washing their feet and giving himself to them.
Jesus was a person of trust, relying on God and putting his life totally in God’s hands — even in times of affliction and suffering and disappointment.
Jesus was a person of love, loving without counting the cost, loving with no strings attached, loving even when the other was not particularly loving in return.
These are some of the signposts of Jesus’ way: prayer, compassion, service, trust, love.
As we walk our walk, as we walk our life, are those the signposts we see? Are those the signposts we follow? If so, I believe we are walking the way of Jesus and we do “know the way.”