Recognizing Jim Altadona
Jim Altadona was first invited to make a retreat at White House by a business acquaintance in 1946. He accepted that invitation.
Today, June 26, 2014, Jim completed his 68th retreat at White House. He's 97 years old and he's missed only one year since first attending in 1947. Jim is an incredible man of faith and a huge advocate for White House. He continues to serve as a White House Captain for two groups- Cure of Ars parish in Shrewsbury, MO and St. Gabrielle's parish in South St. Louis City. Week after week, year after year, Jim is out and about inviting others to White House.
Thank you Jim for all that you do! You are truly an inspiration to us all.
Jim (on right) with the new director of White House, Bill Schmitt.