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Take Spirituality to the Next Level!

Weekend Reflections for 1/22/16

Jesus Returns Home

"Jesus said to them, 'Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.'"

(Lk 4:21)

After his baptism, temptations in the desert and early preaching in the north, Jesus comes back home to Nazareth. In his home synagogue he leads the praise service by reading from the prophet Isaiah and applying the passage to himself. In doing so he gives us an example of how we might use Scripture for our own spiritual growth.  Jesus' words in the Gospels are timeless because Jesus is the Christ, yesterday, today and forever. Can we listen with our ears and our hearts and have what Ignatius called "a felt-knowledge" of Jesus' word to us?

Jesus promises "liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind." Can I realize that he is offering freedom to me, here and now as I am, freedom from those things, those behaviors and character defects that still bind me and keep me from loving others as I would like? He wants me to see clearly and truly and promises to take away those self-deceptions and distortions that blind me from seeing myself and others as he sees us. May we always say "Yes, Amen" to Jesus' promises to make us the people he calls us to be.