Weekend Reflections for 9/16/16
This Sunday's gospel (Luke 16: 1-13) challenges us to virtuous stewardship, making tough choices in life and even in our in our current political situation. Jesus challenges us to be trustworthy stewards when we face such decisions, growing in the virtuous values of the only master that matters: "You cannot serve both God and mammon."
Once again this week, our White House experiences of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius indeed have much to do with the other White House which will soon be home to new leadership.
In this context, our Jesuit provincial superior, Fr. Ron Mercier, S.J., asks Jesuits and our colleagues to create that space of civil discourse which allows for true democratic dialogue and lets the foundational principles of our faith inform the ways we ponder and speak to one another about the tough choices we face.[i]
This week we consider Fr. Ron's suggestion that "we model civil discourse, open to understanding even when we do not agree... The important task is to nurture understanding. The website launched by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, www.civilizeit.us offers helpful insights along these lines."
Accustomed as White House retreatants are with the Ignatian practice of Examen, perhaps we can take up Fr. Ron's suggestion as part of our daily examen prayer this Sunday and for the coming week. Next week we will continue this examen with a final suggestion from Fr. Provincial.
[i] Please see Fr. Mercier's August 15, 2016 suggestions on this topic at http://jesuitscentralsouthern.org/news-detail?TN=NEWS-20160817014921