Weekend Reflections for 1/27/17
The response of Peter, Andrew, James and John to the call 'Come!' is frightening (Matt. 4:12-23). 'At once they their nets and followed him.' It is immediate, almost impetuous, and complete. It is the response of human to the summoning and stunning allure of the absolute. That is, to the one, bedrock value in human life. All other values are relative, our allegiances to them depend on circumstances, the priority of other values. Against the kingdom of God manifest in Jesus, all our other loyalties (country, government, family, culture, institutions of state and religion, political preferences) must give way. No claim to our loyalty and full participation is superior to our citizenship in God's household and our life in Jesus Christ. There in our true homeland, we accept its laws and values as our fundamental rule of life. God's election is demanding and absolute. The followers of Jesus learnt the implications of their call slowly and gradually, according to accounts of the Gospel writers, and with two steps forward and one step back. But that demanding, exclusive, absolute summons echoed continuously within them.
Francis X. Ryan, SJ"