Weekend Reflections for 10/13/17
God’s Invitation
In both the Old and New Testaments we find the action of “breaking bread together”, sharing a meal, as a sign of intimate, loving union. Jesus is judged and criticized for eating with sinners, for sharing life with them. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus tells the parable of the king who invites people to the wedding feast for his son. Those invited refused to come so the king had his servants bring in whoever was passing by on the road. Now the hall was filled with guests and the feast could begin. The invited guests are the chosen who reject Jesus and refuse to believe him and his message. The feast is the fullness of the kingdom of God, heaven where all enjoy loving union with God and one another.
In our baptism God gave us a standing invitation to His banquet, to share a meal at the Eucharist and enjoy the feast of His kingdom. Let us not be deaf to His call but quick to respond in making loving choices, in putting our priorities in order, in knowing what is truly important and worthwhile. Then we will be able to sit down and enjoy the meal and the companionship.
Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.