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Weekend Reflections for 2/24

A good friend of mine, Bob Costello, SJ, died a few days ago. He had recently been told that he had only a few weeks or a month to live.  So one of the ways in which he prepared for this is contacting family and friends and, as well as he can, to inform them and ask them for their prayers.

Many, many people, family, his brother Jesuits, and many others he has assisted and counseled have contacted him or are trying to reach him with phone calls, requests for visits, emails and so on. He told me the day before his death how much he appreciates these prayers and concerns, but he only has so much strength, and he also desires and needs times for himself as he moves into the most important phase of his life.  So those caring for him are monitoring and limiting the number who do.

He was blessed with a great peace, a peace that has many origins: the awareness that he has spent most of his life trying to help people with their problems and sharing with them his faith and love for Jesus Christ; the belief that God does love him and will soon embrace him with this love and mercy.

The first and third readings for this Sunday, the eighth of ordinary time, described well the convictions of Bob’s faith. He knows well that God’s love will always be with him. Although often a challenge for him he has endeavored to make the concerns of the present time and circumstances the focus of his attention. And it has been in the here and now of his life that he has endeavored to do his role in promoting the kingdom of God.

Needless to say, I ask you to pray for the fullness of life eternal for him.

Jim Blumeyer, S.J.