Weekend Reflections for 2/10/17
The Transfiguration of Jesus
For me there is an informative parallel of Christ’s transfiguration with his baptism at the Jordan. Both incidents occur when he is about to embark upon two most important and difficult periods of his life. At the Jordan, baptized by John he is at the very beginning of his public life proclaiming that in him and his way of life the kingdom of God is now at hand. How surprising and unusual this must have seen in the light of his previous activities and experiences growing up and living at Nazareth. We can only imagine his questions and doubts as he joins the ranks of those being baptized by John. It is then his Father intervenes and confirms his manner of proceeding in telling him that he was indeed his beloved son and that he had his approval.
At the Transfiguration Jesus is about to begin his final journey to Jerusalem. Well aware of what is going to happen to him there, the questions and doubts that occurred at the Jordan were more than likely again experienced. Again, his Father intervenes most dramatically accompanied by Moses and Elias and reviewing with Jesus the “Passover” he is about to undertake and undergo. And once again Jesus hears his Father’s inspiring and encouraging words that he is indeed the beloved son upon whom his father’s favor rests.
In all of this I find Jesus actions and reactions very similar to my own. When confronted with a challenging situation or decision, I turn to prayer seeking assistance and guidance. I turn to my friends seeking their support and advice. And once a decision has been reached I seek some kind of sign or confirmation from God and/or from others that I am indeed moving in the right direction.
And at times in my life I have been blessed with what I believe is God's direction and approval of how I am proceeding. I believe many of us have such experience, and that we should not hesitate to ask for a sign, an indication of the Lord’s approval.