Weekend Reflections for 9/29/17
Second Chances
“Jesus said to the chief priests and elders of the people: …’Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you.’” (Mt 21:31)
In Sunday’s Gospel Jesus is very stern with the religious authorities of his day because they are justifying themselves by using the law to their advantage, to excuse themselves. He uses the parable of the two sons to confront their behavior. They are giving lip service but not following through with their choices and actions. He contrasts them with the public sinners whose life choices have said No to God but then acknowledged and owned their sins and repented, began living a Yes to God.
We’ve all had the experience of turning down someone’s request of us and then having second thoughts. Maybe it was the look of disappointment on their face or our habit of trying to please others or guilt. Maybe it was the Holy Spirit giving us another second chance to get it right, letting us know that we actually can be that generous with our time and talents. Our loving God is always at work in and through us, nudging us to be more loving, more forgiving, more generous than we can be by ourselves. God always gives us another chance, a second or third or fourth, however many we need.
Ralph Huse, S.J.