Weekend Reflections for 10/5/18
Sunday’s bible readings are quite challenging. The Pharisees are challenging Jesus once again, this time about marriage and divorce. They probably aren’t really that interested in the specifics, but are trying once again to trap Jesus, which they eventually did in the sense that they were very much involved in what happened in the first holy week.
So what about our own attitudes toward Jesus, marriage, and family life? Might there be something of the Pharisee in each one of us, when what God is calling us to is to be ministers of reconciliation in any way possible? Seeking reconciliation with God, with other human beings (maybe even Pharisees!) and with the beauty of God’s creation is celebrated in the first reading from Genesis.
Especially through the gift of the Spiritual Exercises we experience at White House, we can once again can ask “What about us? What about our relationships?” How are we called here and now to growth in relationships, and also to reject our temptations to be judgmental Pharisees? Retreats such as those we offer at White House provide opportunities for growth in the kind of reconciliation only God can accomplish, through growth in quiet, non-reactive listening, faith-filled communication, and yes, the reconciling forgiveness essential for living out relationships through the grace of God.
-Fr. Ted Arroyo, SJ