Weekend Reflections for 11/16/18
As we come to the end of the liturgical year, leading up to the beginning of Advent, Mother Church invites us to consider various passages of Jesus regarding the end times. Jesus uses prophetic language of the Old Testament, and various oracles we find there, to describe the signs in the sky and his own Second Coming to render judgment for all on earth.
This judgment will be a dividing out, a separation of good and bad, of charitable and selfish, right from within the person.
What currently needs to die in my life so that Christ will truly be my one and only King? A particular judgment awaits each one of us as we pass from this world to the next. But the saints tell us it is easier to experience the judgment/separation on this side of life.
Let us pray for the grace now to let go of whatever is ungodly in us, so as to be able to receive with open arms the Savior when our time comes, recognizing him for who he is.
-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ