Weekend Reflections for 2/2/18
How has God called and prepared me to proclaim the Good News?
How did God prepare Jesus to serve his people, to bring about his Kingdom? It begins with growing up and spending the first 30 or so years of his life in the little town of Nazareth (estimated now at roughly 300 to 500 people). It was here living with his family and the people of his village, working with them and for them that he learned how to be a good Israelite, how to live and practice his faith. He learned and memorized and prayed over many of the Jewish Scriptures. He learned and practiced a profession with Joseph, he became acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of his religious and political leaders, their right and wrong practices.
Then one day, probably to the surprise of almost everyone, he leaves Nazareth, goes to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist. Then for a period of time he joins John’s disciples. Eventually he realized it was time for him to set out on his own and proclaim on his own what he knew of God and God’s plan for the Jewish nation.
In the various gospel scenes for this week we hear of the different ways in which Jesus accomplished this: journeying to the villages of Galilee and beyond, teaching, healing and on a few occasions even feeding the large crowd that was gathered around him, some to hear him others, to be healed.
It is most noteworthy that her did do this alone, but from the beginning gathered disciples to assist him. He continues to do this with you and me.
We too at times should reflect upon how God has been preparing us to be ministers of the Good News, how we are to proclaim the kingdom of God in our own lives. It is helpful to appreciate how we have been imbued with our faith. It is salutary to recall gratefully the people who helped and guided us in our faith journey.
So how now am I being called to take on, or to continue take on, this marvelous responsibility of being ministers of the Gospel with and for the people in my life world?
-Fr. Jim Blumeyer, S.J.