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Take Spirituality to the Next Level!

Weekend Reflections for 3/2/18

     "Zeal for his Father's house consumes him." This statement pretty much defines the dramatic cleansing of the temple scene in Sunday's Gospel. 

     Jesus is not okay with exorbitant exchange rates for foreigners who need to exchange their Roman coins for Jewish coins so as to pay the temple tax and offer the cleansing sacrifice for sin.  These rates obstruct to the point where the worshippers can no longer enter the temple. 

     Jesus also is not okay with people believing only in his signs, his miracles. He knows human nature only too well. 

     But zeal he does recognize. And those who filled with this holy zest of love toward God will recognize Jesus as his Son.  It is a shared experience, inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Jesus always recognizes his Holy Spirit moving in others.

     We pray for the grace to be filled with holy zeal, such that fervent love becomes the source of our spiritual practices this Lent.


-Fr. Anthony Wieck, S.J.