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Both men's and women's retreats are offered as well as recovery retreats.

Take Spirituality to the Next Level!

Weekend Reflections for 3/30/18


When praying the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius has us look at the risen Lord and “consider the office of consoler that Christ our Lord exercises, and compare it to the way in which friends are wont to console each other”.  Jesus appears to his friends who are hurting in various ways and consoles them with his loving presence and reassurance. He takes them in their pain and sorrow and then gently and patiently strengthens them with his love and eternal life.

Mary Magdalene spent Saturday alone at home. It was the Sabbath and she was forbidden to travel to Jesus’ tomb to properly prepare his body for burial. She is filled with grief and sorrow at the loss of her loved one. She rises early on Sunday to go to the tomb and finds it empty. Later Jesus appears to her but she doesn’t recognize him at first because her eyes are clouded with tears. Then he calls her by name and her eyes are opened and she falls at his feet filled with joy.

When we are grieving the losses in our lives, we can look for and expect our friend to appear and console us. Sometimes he comes in answer to our prayers, sometimes in the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist and sometimes in the person of a friend or a family member or even a stranger. Then we know that the Lord is truly risen, he is alive! Alleluia!

Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.