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Both men's and women's retreats are offered as well as recovery retreats.

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Weekend Reflections for 7/27/18

"There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?" 

These words of the Gospel this Sunday reflect our own position within the world today. We are very much like the young person with so little to offer. How can one feed a multitude with five barley loaves, the size of pancakes, and two small pickled fish? Not going to happen. Unless you have God Almighty working with you. Which we do. 

The hostilities and untruths of our world, veering towards various forms of secular hedonism, can seem overwhelming. They are, without Christ. 

But Jesus reminds us that in him all things are possible. When we offer our little, he breaks it (which typically is not a pleasant experience for us) gives thanks, and asks us to distribute that little we have. And wonder of wonders, our divided culture begins to heal through that act of distribution. 

Healing indeed begins with each individual. Are you and I willing to be that person? If so, gather together your barley loaves (your talents) and turn them over to Jesus. Then be bold and prodigal in spreading them around. You and I are no doubt the keys to healing in this culture. Without us (while counting on Jesus for the multiplier effect) it will never happen.

Then stand back and be amazed, with the young lad in the Gospel, at how much God has drawn from so little.

-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ