Weekend Reflections for 9/21/18
Serving with Christ
Imagine yourself being with Jesus’ disciples when he speaks of his death at the hands of his own religious leaders and then of his being raised from the dead. It would have been mind-boggling and confusing. Somewhat Like Peter you might be tempted to say “quit talking like that – – you’re scaring us, confusing us, change the topic, talk about something else.
How easy it was for them to switch the topic to themselves and to consider their own self-importance and their position or rank in Jesus’ kingdom.
So Jesus let them have their way and instead zeros in on their vain ambitions. He dramatically demonstrates what is at the heart of being his disciple, of serving with him in building up the kingdom of God.
We know that he will bring up again the issue of his death and rising; in fact, I suspect he raised it many more times.
But it is at the Last Supper as he washes their feet that he gives his no holds barred explanation of what it means to serve and minister with him (John 13, 12 – 17) : “Do you understand what I’ve done for you?” He asked them. “You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘Lord’ and rightly so for that is what I am. Now that I your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” For I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
May we more and more strive to make that lesson the motif of our discipleship.
-Fr. Jim Blumeyer, SJ