Weekend Reflections for 4/19/19 - Good Friday
He is Risen! The Lord is Alive!
In the Spiritual Exercises St. Ignatius notes that in his appearances the
Risen Lord assumes the role of Consoler. He comes to his friends who are in need of consolation. Ignatius insists that Jesus’ first appearance was to his Mother. When he was challenged by his critics that this was not reported in the Gospels, he replied that if they knew Jesus and his Mother, they’d know that’s where he went first. Later he comes to Mary Magdalene in the garden as she mourns his death and her loss, to the apostles hiding for fear, Thomas in his doubt and the two on the road to Emmaus in their flight. He doesn’t challenge or scold them but takes them just as they are and then gently and patiently strengthens them with his loving presence. When they are reassured, he disappears.
The Risen Jesus deals with us in the same way. He comes to console us when we are grieving a loss, fighting with fear and doubt, running from a painful reality that we can’t accept or control. That’s when we meet him in prayer, the sacraments and the person who reaches out to us in caring compassion. As his followers may we do likewise to those in our lives.
Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.