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Weekend Reflections for 5/17/19

A New Creation


If you believe, as I do, that there will be life after our death then the question has or will more than likely come up, "what will it be like or what is it like?" The four Gospels in their resurrection appearances of Jesus provide a most encouraging and heartening description of how Jesus is now and will be for all times.


But what will it be like for us? What will that "world" be like for those who will be enjoying it. St. Paul is cannot be more positive when he exclaims "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of human kind, the things God has prepared for them that love him."  As wonderful as these words are, I believe many of us still long for so much more.


I find some satisfaction in the brief selection from the book of the Apocalypse in this weekend's second Sunday reading: …a new heaven, a knew earth... God dwelling with the people... Always being with them... Wiping every tear from their eyes.... Death or mourning, whaling or pain no more, for the old order has passed away


The one who sat on the throne said "behold, I make all things new.".

For me this is a wonderfully remade creation. Very simply, everything is all right. But most importantly a loving God is with us and together with all of the beloved people of my life.


Jim Blumeyer, S.J.