Weekend Reflections for 5/3/19
The risen Christ with his Disciples on Lake Tiberius
In this Sunday’s gospel the evangelist John concludes with the episode of Jesus joining his disciples on Lake Tiberius. It is reminiscent of some of the key moments in Jesus interaction with them. The carpenter from Nazareth again telling his fishermen disciples how to ply their trade. I suspect that as they came ashore to join Jesus with the large catch of fish that some of them had to laugh to themselves thinking, "he's done it again."
When Jesus first called to them on the water they did not realize what who he was. But when they see him preparing a meal for them, as he had probably done so often during their journeys with him, there is no doubt about who he is. Even the way he prepared the food, seasoned the fish and served it to them, all of these little touches left no doubt in their minds about his identity.
Finally there is his gentle, touching interaction with Peter. In this he confirms for all of them that nothing is changed regarding Peter's position and authority with the group. Indirectly he's also confirming for all of them that they too are the ones chosen to carry on the work of the kingdom.
The disciples are now prepared and ready to go out to proclaim the good news that Jesus Christ is truly the risen Lord. With the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost this is exactly what they will do. May each of us in our own unique way and circumstances through the gift of the Holy Spirit in our Baptism and Confirmation continue our role in building up the kingdom of God.
Jim Blumeyer, S.J.