Weekend Reflections for 7/5/19
The greatest joy we can have in this life is to bring someone to a one-on-one encounter with Christ.
St. Ignatius opines that we can gauge the true love we have for another person according to how effectively we help them in serving and glorifying God! And such charity we know covers a multitude of sins (1Pt4:8).
We are all connected, literally.
In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus sends out an additional 72 to prepare his way, to ready others for a personal/one-on-one/sacrmental encounter with Jesus. You, O Reader, are part of the 72. You definitely are.
Whom is Jesus inviting you to lead to him this week? Christianity never was a "me and Jesus" religion. Our deepest joy and source of salvation is to bring others to him. Who is that for you? How will you do so? Be bold; be creative. And thus you will be Christian. The Church has always prayed that the harvest master would send workers like you into his harvest. Allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you with a generous "Yes!"
-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ