Weekend Reflections for 8/30/19
God’s Predilection for the Poor
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus presents two parables, both in the context of a special meal or celebration. I suspect most people easily take in the point of the first parable regarding the person seeking a place of honor at the reception. We might easily concur that that kind of person got exactly what he or she deserved. With this parable Jesus has drawn us into a sympathetic understanding and listening to what he is saying
But in the second parable we may be somewhat caught off guard. What had been on our part a sympathetic listening and accepting of Jesus teaching suddenly, perhaps abruptly, becomes for many of us a much more serious and challenging teaching.
And Jesus description of who should be included among the invitees are the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind reminds us again of the Lord's predilection for those who are most in need of our care and concern. Jesus aligns himself with the centuries old teaching preaching of the Old Testament prophets.
We know too well, almost painfully so, how pertinent and important this teaching is for our day and age not only around the world but in our own country, in our own cities.
Lord Jesus, help us listen to your teaching and challenge, help us to respond as you would want.
-Fr. Jim Blumeyer, SJ