Weekend Reflections for 9/11/20
Forgiveness is next to Godliness. Indeed it is. In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus exhorts us to forgive the transgressions of those around us so that we can receive God's forgiveness for our own. Jesus is simply fleshing out that pesky "Our Father" petition, radical as it is: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Jesus reminds us here that we cannot receive good things like mercy unless we are engaged in the act of distributing it ourselves.
Indeed we are meant to give of ourselves, continually and fruitfully. For example, in marriage we know that if we are looking for our own happiness therein we will never find it; but conversely if we are looking for our spouse's happiness in marriage we will find our own. So it is with any form of vowed life. Those who are other-centered are filled with joy, with the Spirit of God.
Thus to be Christian is to be other-centered and extend mercy prodigally. For whom am I called to pray? Who needs a liberating gift of mercy from me? Who is it that hurt me in the past but keeps me from receiving God's mercy in the present because I hold on to the hurt? Let us be bold, my brothers and sisters. Let us grant mercy prodigally to our transgressors, surrendering them to God sometimes to deal with, that we may receive mercy superabundantly ourselves.
-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ