Weekend Reflections for 7/23/21
"[Jesus'] heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd." These words from Sunday's Gospel speak to the heart of every ministry we undertake as Jesus' disciples. Jesus wishes to place in us his tender heart of compassion, toward all those who have little guidance in their lives. Indeed we are meant to feel with the heart of Jesus.
As secular values reign supreme in our world today, with many trying hard to "become as gods" as the world invites them, the thirst for truth in these same people also becomes greater. Secular values urging us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and determine our own identity never satisfy. Thus, as "shepherds in the Shepherd", our testimony of belonging in Christ, of supportive Church community, is all the more necessary.
Do the people around me know that first and foremost they are beloved children of God, receiving their identity from Him? How can we communicate this essential truth to those who are trying to establish themselves in truth, and do so with a shepherd's heart?
-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ