Jesuit retreat center high on the bluffs of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, MO.  Since 1922, thousands of people from around the world make annual three-day silent, guided retreats here to relax, reconnect with God and strengthen their spirituality.  A true gem in the Midwest!  Call 314-416-6400 or 1-800-643-1003.  Email reservations@whretreat.org  7400 Christopher Rd.  St. Louis, MO 63129

Both men's and women's retreats are offered as well as recovery retreats.

Take Spirituality to the Next Level!

Weekend Reflections for 8/21/15

"Take, Lord, receive all my liberty..." These are the opening words of the prayer of St Ignatius Loyola SJ--also called the 'Suscipe' [pronounced 'SUE-ship-ay']. In the prayer, we offer all that we have and are to the Lord. We are invited to mirror the action that Jesus has already performed for us: "Take this, all of you-- this is my Body, given up for you." Christ has given Himself to us and for us. Moved by wonder and gratitude, we want to do the same: "Take, Lord, and receive me!"


When we have given ourselves to God, He never injures us. He may stretch us, purify us, and strengthen us-- which may feel painful at the time. But His goal is always to make our hearts larger, purer, and stronger.


In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus continues His discourse on the Bread of Life. He is the Bread of Life, given to us. He speaks to us words of eternal life-- for He is the Eternal Word, and He is Life. His words may challenge me. I may need to change things about myself and my life so that I live the way He lives. We must subordinate ourselves to Him-- always recalling that He loves us and gives Himself for us. His life is for me, His death is for me, His resurrection is for me, and the Eucharist is for me. Moved by wonder and gratitude, He calls me to offer myself, too: "Take, Lord, and receive me!"


-Fr Joe Laramie SJ, White House Jesuit Retreat