Weekend Reflections for 4/13/18
Jesus, our Advocate
In Sunday’s Gospel from Luke we have another appearance of Jesus to his confused and frightened followers. He again greets them with his gift of Peace and shows them his wounds. They still fear that he is a ghost and so he asks for something to eat to show them that he is truly real and alive. “Then Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” He wants them and us to understand that his death was his ultimate act of love to free all of the human family from slavery to self and sin. In his death he reveals his Father to be forgiving love that conquers even and especially death.
In the second reading from the first letter of John, we hear that “we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one.” An advocate is a defense attorney, one who argues on our behalf. Jesus intercedes for us and that is what we experience when we celebrate God’s mercy in the sacrament of Reconciliation. A crippling weight is lifted and we know his Easter gift of Peace. As the weather warms and the flowers bloom, let us be witnesses that Jesus has risen and is truly alive. Alleluia!
Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.