Weekend Reflections for 4/20/18
The Good Shepherd
The Scripture readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter stress how blessed we are for believing in and knowing and being known by Jesus Christ. He is our friend, brother and constant companion. We are never alone nor abandoned to our own defenses. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles Peter proclaims that in Jesus we have been saved from the darkness and destruction of sin.
In the First Letter of St. John we are reminded that we are the Father’s beloved children. Jesus revealed that God is our loving and merciful Parent who always looks on us with infinite compassion and love. Through our Baptism we have been promised and are destined to see the Lord face-to-face and be like and with him forever. How blessed we are!
In the Gospel according to John Jesus says to us, “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” The welfare of each sheep is the shepherd’s main concern and focus and so we are to our Lord. He guides and protects us, always listening for our call and responding. When we are challenged by life and its inevitable pains, we remember how Jesus suffered for love of us and are strengthened and blessed with his gift of Easter peace. Alleluia!
Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.