Weekend Reflections for 4/23/21
Experiencing the Good Shepherd
During the time in which Jesus was with his disciples and friends as the risen Lord he first had to convince them that he was the Jesus they had known as the carpenter from Nazareth. But then on Golgotha they had seen him was a mangled lifeless body hanging on a cross.
But gradually over time, as he came to them, talked with them, shared food with them, and even allowed them to touch his wounds, they realized that even though different in so many wonderful ways he was indeed the same person with whom they had shared their lives for so many months or years.
One of the ways in which he was amazingly different was his ability to be with them whenever and wherever he wanted. As the risen Lord this was one of the gifts of his new manner of existence. I can well imagine them thinking of the words of Psalm 139:
"Where can I go from your spirit? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the city, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
Yes, Jesus can be with them wherever he wants. And in today's gospel reading of the parable of the good Shepherd, they are assured of the purpose and nature of his presence to them as they carried on his ministry. He will be with them as a good shepherd, one who knows them individually and intimately, who carefully leads them and guides them, a shepherd who will even lay down his life for them. And finally he will be with them as a shepherd who will bring them to pastures of repose.
Let us pray for one another that we too can have the experience of Jesus as the good Shepherd guiding and leading us to pastures of repose.
Jim Blumeyer, S.J.