Weekend Reflections for 4/16/21
The Third Sunday of Easter
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection: The Ultimate Battle and Defeat of Evil
During the weeks following Easter Sunday the Scripture readings focus on the many different times and circumstances in which Jesus appears to his disciples, his followers and friends. It was through these appearances that they would become convinced that he had indeed been raised from the dead. They were being prepared to go out with confidence and courage to proclaim that he was indeed the Messiah, the risen Lord.
Jesus appears to them often, his manner of doing this is often dramatic as he appears in their midst even though they are behind locked doors. He allows the disciple Thomas to touch his wounds; he shares food and breaks bread with them. Often in his conversations with them he speaks of his suffering and explains that his suffering has always been a part of his message. The messianic prophets, like Isaiah, had presented the same message.
Jesus suffering is not easy or pleasant for us to accept and taken. Suffering is an evil usually a mystery, an aspect of our lives that you and I often cannot understand. But Jesus rather tells us that the purpose of his life is to eventually overcome and eliminate the evils in our world.
However the evils in our world will do their utmost to overcome and frustrate any endeavor from Jesus or anyone else that tries to frustrate and eliminate them. Courage Jesus crucifixion and death is the ultimate example of evil’s endeavors. His resurrection is the Father’s definitive answer to evil.
-Fr. Jim Blumeyer, SJ