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Weekend Reflections for 4/9/21

First Sunday of the Easter season

Jesus Appears To His Disciples


Be at Peace and Believe


In the gospel for the first Sunday of Easter, Jesus, after first appearing to the women anointing his body, then appears to his disciples. They are gathered in the upper room behind locked doors. The women have told them about their encounter with the risen Jesus. The disciples do not know what to do with this information. Will what has happened to Jesus also happen to them? Is what the women are saying true or are they perhaps in shock and hallucinating this?



They may well have wondered why Jesus would first appear to them? But at the same time they could well recall how they had behaved and abandoned him when the soldiers came out to arrest him. They had seen Jesus get angry and upset at the hardness of heart of some religious leaders. They too had experienced his dismay and his being upset with them when they seem to be so slow in understanding his teachings. They had seen his disappointment when only one of the 10 lepers had returned to express gratitude at their healing.


They may well have wondered how Jesus would be with them now. They had run off when he was arrested, Judas had betrayed him and Peter had denied him. How could the 12 continue to be his special  chosen followers?


And then all of a sudden there he is in their midst! His first words are compassionate expressions of concern, a concern that he desires them to be fully at peace with him. Yes, they will continue to be his special group of followers. Without saying anything about forgiveness they can realize deeply down that they are forgiven their cowardly behavior. Even more incredibly he is now asking them to continue his role of forgiving and reconciliation. Now they are commissioned to carry on his ministry of forgiveness of sin.


And what does all of this say to you and me?  We, through our baptism and confirmation, have received that same commission. We are to carry in the unique circumstances of our lives the ministry of reconciliation which our world at this time is so dearly in need of. This is no small challenge.  But we cannot do not do this alone.  May the peace of the risen Christ be with us and give each of us the courage and strength to be His peace and forgiveness for all of those in our life world.

-Fr. Jim Blumeyer, SJ